About Allard Studios

I’m Natalie Allard, Personal Stylist and founder of Allard Studios.

Allard Studios is a Personal Styling company focused on helping women feel, and look, their best. If you’ve ever opened the doors to an overflowing closet & still felt like you had nothing to wear, you’re in the right place.

How I transformed my style, and how I can help you do the same


I have worked in the fashion industry since 2012. When I first started out, I felt like a total imposter; I was telling people what to wear, but felt completely stuck in my own style. I was working nonstop, I was in a permanent rush, and I never knew where anything was in my closet. I was so focused on my clients and my work that I didn't pay attention to myself or my wardrobe. The result? My closet constantly looked like it had imploded, and I never knew what to wear. I relied on the same outfit combinations, and felt completely uninspired by my wardrobe. The clutter stressed me out, so I would avoid it, making it even harder to feel successful in my style. 

After a lot of frustration and more experience in the industry, I created a few simple steps that my schedule could maintain, and took control of my closet. I was able to streamline my systems and everything felt easier. I eventually figured out what 'my style' truly was. 

Since then, it has become my passion to help women unlock their style + feel excited about getting dressed. My goal is to encourage you to dig deeper into your wardrobe through closet editing and intentional purchases. This isn't about minimalism; it’s about understanding what you actually wear, what you avoid, and identifying the patterns in both to make the most out of your closet, and all future shopping trips. 

Why is personal style so important?


The way you feel in your clothes affects your whole day. How you walk into the office, school drop off, or a first date. Whether you feel confident and beautiful, or uncomfortable and irritable - it shows.

It isn’t about losing weight or constantly buying more. It’s about understanding how to dress for your body, learning how to amplify what you already own, and making educated decisions when you want to add pieces into your wardrobe. Understanding fabrics, colors, shapes, and what works for your lifestyle and taste is incredibly empowering.

When you wear something that fits just right, something that is such a good color on you - it can radiate out into the world. How do you want to show up?


And a little bit about me


A few of my favorite things include the Boston Bruins, an epic thunderstorm, grapefruit mimosas & daydreaming about moving to Italy. I’m a homebody who loves to be surrounded by family, good music, and fresh flowers.

I believe that beauty is everywhere, and surrounding yourself in whatever it is that speaks to you can have a dramatic impact on your mood. I believe that great style is for everyone, at any age. That getting dressed and feeling beautiful should be as effortless as pouring your morning coffee. 

I’d love to help take the chaos out of your closet and have you loving your look, no matter where you’re going.